Żary, Poland, 2021-07-22

Safety at Swiss Krono

Projects NeuroSpace

An innovative system for hazard signaling has been launched at the Swiss Krono factory in Zary – one of the world’s largest manufacturers of boards and lumber products. Thanks to the use of an ultra-precise GPS RTK vehicle positioning system and IoT architecture, a new hazard notification mechanism has been launched for employees who work in the area where heavy loaders move.

Simultaneous operation of heavy loaders and people on the same industrial site – a panel and lumber products factory – very often leads to dangerous situations in which workers can be fatally hit by machinery. It is necessary to introduce a dedicated warning system to eliminate such incidents, such as by properly generating warning signals at the time of potential conflicts.

NeuroSpace has launched a new system whose main task is to generate light and sound signals for employees when a dangerous vehicle enters a designated area. Key in this case was the development of a solution that eliminates false notifications and allows dynamic re-definition of the shape of the monitored regions. It was also important to develop unambiguous, easy-to-read warning signals suitable for various harsh industrial conditions.