Zary, Poland, 2024-05-20

Enhanced security at SWISS KRONO

Projects NeuroSpace

The end of May saw the completion of the next phase of the implementation of a security support system at the SWISS KRONO factory in Zary. As part of this stage, the monitoring area was expanded, the number of warning signs was significantly increased, and locators were installed on all critical vehicles. A major modification was also made to the communication between system components, involving the implementation of WLAN wireless communication in a closed APN.

The primary function of the system is to constantly monitor the exact position of all critical vehicles (loaders) on the site, and activate notifications – warning signs – when one of the vehicles enters a zone of potential collision with pedestrians. Nine danger zones have been defined in the most dangerous part of the plant, for which warnings are generated. The warnings are displayed on graphic signs or in the form of special light and sound signage at dangerous crossings. The solution works under the supervision of central software running on SWISS KRONO’s internal cloud infrastructure, which is connected to devices and vehicles by wireless 4G/5G WLAN communication.
Thanks to the use of IoT technology, the system is very flexible, for example in terms of defining danger zones and notification activation parameters. Vehicle position tracking is carried out online (with one-second accuracy), and the precision of positioning is ensured by the implementation of GPS location with the RTK mechanism. The implementation used a number of elements of the NeuroSpace product line used to manage drone swarms. The tests demonstrated high system reliability and long-term stability. At the same time, high flexibility and precision in adapting parameters to situations resulting from the specificity of the terrain were confirmed.