Warsaw, Poland, 2023-03-30

LegalTech Forum 2023

Events NeuroLex

On March 30, 2023, the “LegalTech Forum 2023” industry conference took place in Warsaw, organized by C.H. Beck Publishing. The aim of the conference was to enable lawyers to participate in discussions with practitioners, representatives from IT companies, and the academic community on the developmental trends in the utilization of modern technologies in the daily work of law firms and legal departments.

An interesting topic discussed during the conference was the issue of artificial intelligence. The subject was raised on the first day during the keynote speech delivered by Professor Daniel Martin Katz (Illinois Tech – Chicago Kent College of Law), where he presented an analysis of the possibilities of using large language models (LLMs) in practical legal tasks. He specifically discussed the results of using GPT in solving bar examination tests, demonstrating the evolution of results depending on the model version. The conclusion drawn in Professor Katz’s presentation was as follows: “Artificial intelligence will become an indispensable tool for lawyers in the very near future, dramatically changing the way the profession is practiced.

Another perspective on the topic of artificial intelligence was presented by Professor Przemysław Polański (ALK, C.H. Beck Publishing), who discussed the “LegalTech Report 2023“, which included the results of a survey conducted among a group of 251 lawyers in Poland, January 2023. The survey showed that only about 5% of lawyers use tools utilizing artificial intelligence in their work. The majority of respondents (56%) believe that artificial intelligence will not replace a lawyer in the case of non-standard cases.

In the final session of the conference, the forthcoming EU regulation titled “AI Act” was discussed, highlighting both the positive aspects of such regulations and potential risks, such as the overly broad concept of artificial intelligence, which may lead to excessive regulation.